[2018] 141/365: Too Busy to Eat
Okay, that’s a lie. Kind of. I was stuck in a meeting from seven to nine in the morning resulting me into missing free breakfast! I went with another coworker to get a Dunkin Donut coffee (I got the hash browns too). She wanted something else and so we went to the floor where the free breakfast was and we found that a few selections were left (mostly eggs and carbs), so we dished up! We didn’t think there would be any left so we were glad we made that pit stop. YUM!
Today marked three meetings in one day. I love these meetings because it makes the day go by faster. Before I know it, it was lunchtime. We were still working so I didn’t get to heat up my lunch and instead we grabbed free pizza in the hub to eat at our desk while we worked. Then it was time to go home. I have been SO awake all day. Is it bad to be so excited for tomorrow?! I don’t have many meetings but enough on my agenda to keep me excited.