Cate, Katie, Jill, Amanda, Ashley, Gretchen, Me
All the girls dressed up for Amanda’s birthday celebration Friday. If you knew me, you would know all I wear out is jeans, jeans, jeans with exception to some sweatpants and basketball shorts. So skirts and dresses are a bit foreign to me.
She asked if I would wear a skirt so, I agreed … and wore them without tights for the first time since I was a kid. And thank goodness I did since it was so hot and humid out.
Her Nana drove Amanda and me to Town and Center where we went to different places but stayed the longest at Loggia. We danced a lot and got hit on by creepy men. Sounds eventful, huh?
In San Antonio, Mum never knew how late I was out but in Houston, this was the first time. Amanda’s Mum got us two hotel rooms at the Marriott right in Town Center so we didn’t have to drive home after drinking. So very thoughtful. I’ve never got to do sleepovers before so this was definitely a night of firsts.
I finally fell asleep around 4:45 am and woke up every hour after starting at 8 am. Finally when 11 am came around, we huddle in bed together to talk about what happened the night before. Funny stories we’ll remember for a long time.
When her Mum came to pick us up, she treated us to Starbucks. So freaking sweet. I didn’t get home til 4pm on Saturday. So crazy.
Sunday, Sissy wanted me to go to check out her new apartment. All I did whenI got there was what I always do: read blogs and watch Netflix. I even took a 30-minute nap.
I have lunch dates and hangouts set up all week. I’m excited for them but know that each time I go to something, I’m one day closer to the end of summer.