I received a notification that it’s been two years since I’ve moved to my own domains … even though I’ve been slacking more since. I don’t remember what was going through my head when I was like “Let’s tell strangers about my life!” All I do remember was having so many things happening that I couldn’t control during college and needed an outlet. And I forgot how much peace I found in doing so. I’ve “met” some pretty wonderful people on here and even though we don’t all blog anymore, it’s nice to still be a part of each other’s lives through other social media. Sounds creepy, I know. I do want to attend a meet up one day but every meet up here in Houston has been almost an hour away. Yikes. So until it’s closer to me, I doubt I’ll make the trek.
Doctor’s appointment went semi-well. All my levels are good but could be better. I need to be better at taking all my meds because I tend to only do the one that doesn’t make me wanna vomit. I lost over 10 pounds since January’s check up which might not seem like a lot buttttttttt when you’re me with my problems, it’s a lot. So I’m happy! I told him about my tummy issues. He says it could be stress or it could be because I’ve lost weight and need a lesser dose so we’re gonna do that and if it doesn’t go away then I’ll have to see some gastro doctor person. Yay! More doctors! My favourite! At least this time around they didn’t tell me I was dying soon.
Three years ago today my high school best friend got married to the love of her life. I only remember because it showed up on my TimeHop. Unfortunately they never made it to 3 years since they recently divorced. It seems so common these days and it sucks. I don’t believe in divorce. I believe in talking through it and making it work and loving each other through the differences. I understand if it’s a big deal like abuse but for all the other matters – you take them as they are and work through it even through hurtful words. That’s the reason you got married in the first place. You couldn’t see yourself with anyone else but that one person and would do anything to make that person your all. I don’t understand relationships or marriages if people can just break up or divorce so easily. This generation has gotten so lazy. They won’t work for anything and just give up and move on to the next.
Found this old picture by Googling our studio name. Teehee Last night’s studio session flowed better. We joked it had to do with the fact John was in Germany but in reality, convincing Ed to move people to different positions on the crew helped. Because of that people were more attentive and willing to listen to direction. Is it bad to compliment myself on that? Bahaha I wish I got paid doing that. Just giving advice and direction; studio managing. Would be an awesome job. But in all honesty, if they were going for another season, I don’t think I’ll be around as much. It’s very time consuming but also because there’s this one dude there that makes me uncomfortable.