Monday, the 28th of December
I finally went and saw the Hunger Games Series: The Mockingjay Part 2 with Timothy and June. I wasn’t a big fan of the movie but whateves. Got to watch it for free.
After the movie I picked up some goodies and headed over to John’s. We were throwing a holiday party (more of a get together) to the cast and crew of SCC as a thank you for their help this year. Ed had been preparing everything at John’s and I went over to help while Chuck sat on the sofa with his laptop laughing at me. Per usual. Then we headed over to Jason’s with all the food where the rest of the cooking occurred. Ed and I felt we were doing a pop up, serving hungry customers. Food was enjoyed with little to no leftovers. Toasts were made and thank yous were said. Games were played among many other things. I met some new people and got to know some old ones better. It was joyous fun all around.
Tuesday, the 29th of December
I ran some errands early in the morning then went off to DSW to return almost $200 worth of shoes that failed me. I hate shopping in person so I did some online ones and they all failed. Luckily going to the store gave me these goodies for 50% off – each. Heels that actually fit which means I can wear my slacks again. And a bag that fits my Erin Condren planner and Coletto pens among other planner things.
And since Barnes & Noble was next door, I went there as well. I was there for over an hour just looking at all the wonderful books. I tired doing the kindle reading type deal and I just can’t fall in love with it. I like my physical books. The smell of the pages, the flipping of the pages between my fingers, and the creases that show how much a book is loved. I’ll forever buy books if I can and hope one day I can have a library of books in my house of all the ones I love.
I hadn’t eaten all day and blogging seemed like a good idea so I found a little cafe I’ve never been to and ended up at:
Snowflake Cafe and Bakery
11191 Westheimer Rd
Houston, Texas 77042
(713) 782-1827
This place is so very quaint and even have a tiny upstairs loft type deal. They have a fake fireplace in the corner by the window with stockings and a Christmas tree up with snowflakes sprayed on the windows. Not too sure if it’s because they named their place Snowflake or if it’s because Christmas just passed but no one would think twice if they kept everything up as every day decor. I guess I can always find out if I come back in like February.
It was quiet upon coming in. Other than the coffee machines going I could hear the telly but it’s very quiet. I guess I went on a weekday where many people are at work so the machines and banging wasn’t continuous. Once I sat down, they did put on music over the speakers and it scared some people. Someone commented that it sounded like an introduction to dub step. It’s a bit distracting but luckily they turned it down. I would suggest that softer music was put but I have my headphones so it wasn’t as bad.
They have an area where you can get condiments and free water which I thought was a nice touch for those that wanted only water. And even some board games if anyone fancied them. The one who was making my coffee and food did come and deliver it to my table. I don’t think they usually do that. Possibly because someone else ordered as well and it was easier? Not too sure but he did carry a drink upstairs to someone as well so maybe when it’s not too busy, they do take things to your table. I did hear him ask the cashier if it was “the redhead” that ordered what he was carrying up.
Latte | $3.25
I ordered a super plain latte just to see how it is here but if I wanted flavoring in it, it would cost $4.60 which I might try next time. I was a little disappointed there wasn’t a latte art design but they did have a super cute spoon and if you know me you know how I feel about utensils.
Spinach Herb Wrap with Swiss cheese, tuna, lettuce, and cucumbers | $5.95
You can pick your own toppings … which I couldn’t make up my mind about and randomly chose those. I would say nothing great with the wrap especially since I felt there were more wrap than filling. And they came with chips on the side which I’m certain is sour cream and onion with ridges. I wouldn’t not order this again, but possibly next time, turkey instead of tuna to see if it’s wrapped better.
Jasmine Green Milk Tea with Lychee Jelly | $3.75
After 2 1/2 hours I ordered another drink. There is a $5 minimum to use a card so I gave them a dollar tip which isn’t a big deal. I really like this drink. It’s very refreshing and I will definitely order this again. I am not a big fan of tapioca, reason for the lychee jelly instead. Best choice ever.
I want to try out the crepes and other drinks and see how they do. This place is less than half an hour from my house. I would say that’s a bit far but if they keep it up having this atmosphere it just might be my new blogging place … even if it’s a drive just to blog.
Wednesday, the 30th of December
Plans to see Apurva are always a good time. We have our moments where our personalities clash and we get tired of each other. Funny how that is.
She came and picked me up at Sissy’s where I went early to hang out. Upon getting in her car, I receive my Christmas present from her. Popcorn and an ULTA gift card for the brow bar. Sweet.
We then headed to brunch at:
2424 Dunstan Rd
Houston, Texas 77005
(713) 522-7602
Upon sitting down we received cracker/cookie/bread with applesauce for dipping. I’m not really sure what we ate but the crackery cookie was pretty good.
Lox & Avocado Toast [scrambled egg whites, house cured salmon, cucumber – squash salad,brioche] | $14
Nothing too special. Tastes like something I would make except I would have spinach instead of cucumber – squash salad and Hong Kong style bread instead of brioche. But nonetheless, felt I was eating healthy so it was worth it. I was super full from it which surprised Apurva. I tried one of her potatoes from here and that was so delicious.
I don’t think I’d come back to Benjy’s but if I did, I would definitely order the potatoes.
We went shopping around Rice Village and I was proud of myself for only buying three things. All of which are gifts. Apurva on the other hand went crazy in almost every shop we were in. We went into a photo booth at Urban Outfitters. Happy I have another one to add to the collection! Not a big fan of how it turned out because we were so confused … per usual, but good memories were made.
Apurva needed to pick something up from Whole Foods and I was getting hungry so I went to the salad bar. The chicken noodle soup was saved for dinner. But mmmmmmm …Whole Foods would be a cute lunch date place in my book … and going to the book store. I’m a dork.
Apurva took me back to Sissy’s where I stayed for a couple hours until the traffic died down. Coming home, I received I Dreamed of Jeannie, one of my favourite shows from the olden days. I am super excited to watch it all! Eeeps! The next one I want to get is Bewitched. Yeah … supa dork ova hurr.
It’s been a pretty great three days and I cannot wait for more to come as my second leg of the week is slowly getting planned. Heart is full.