You know how people do the picture of the day type deal on Instagram? I want to do the same but knowing me I won’t keep up with it so we’ll see how well I do with putting it here on my blog.
[2018] 001/365: Where Sleeping Beauties Lie
A recap of last night into the new year follows:
Scruffy and I were able to celebrate together this year. He came over with Luna and we spent it with my parents, June, Rocky, and Rizzo.
We had hot pot for dinner.
Scruffy and I learned how to play Mahjong … I won big!
Lit up the sky with fireworks.
Drank champagne and rose. Cotton candy champagne fad verdict: color change was cool to see but it didn’t add any sweetness to the drink.
Scruffy and I played Mario Party and then he went to bed with the pups while I searched for jobs. The next morning we went and got lunch at Los Cucos, one of his favourite restaurants for a Chimichanga. We walked around the mall a bit then went home, played a round of Mario Party before parting ways.
It was a busy but fun night which will stay in my memories forever. Here’s to more happy memories ahead!
Los Cucos Mexican Restaurant
5305 Bell Patna Dr, Katy, Texas 77494 | (281) 644-6808 | Website | Yelp