This week has been filled with Ethan. All he wants is attention but he’s overall pretty easy to take care of. I took some hours off Monday and Tuesday since I was sick and got to spend time sitting outside with him. Very peaceful and nice.
I started my new role Wednesday and when Thursday rolled around my internet went out since they were upgrading stuff. I drove to Sissy’s and either out of there. Ordered Nara Thai for lunch and ate dinner with Sissy and BIL from Rodeo Goat while watching a couple episodes of UK Ghosts.
Jenny sent cookies from Dough Digger to the family as condolences. It was nice since I missed them during the wedding. So good!
I was off Friday. Went to the chiropractor, chilled with Ethan for a bit and then had a two hour Thai massage. Afterwards it was Sushihana and back with hanging with Ethan.
Urgent care on Monday gave me some dang good meds so I felt way better to meet up with Frankenstein at Maharaja Bhog. Sweetest man willing to drive so far for a meal with me. Poor man for being such in traffic yet no complaints. It was good first time eating Indian in this format and I love how adventurous he is. Thankful for a person who isn’t picky.
Saturday morning Sissy came over. We took Mum and June for pedicures and then went home and grabbed Dad and Ethan for lunch at Shabu Town. A couple of shopping places and Zero Degrees and we were back home relaxing with everyone. It was nice to get a few hours with Sissy and talk randomness.
This whole day was filled with doing absolutely nothing but playing with Ethan. I had one meal of Big City Wings and Proud Pie and started a new puzzle. It is super hard since everything is practically blue. Hopefully I finish before Emmy comes.
This year’s Spotify unwrapped. No surprises except for the kids making Olivia Rodrigo one of my top artists.

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