Work week went by pretty fast since I took a half day Thursday and Friday off.
i think this pink is my favourite colour from Color Street. And with the added dots, it reminds me of strawberry ice cream with sprinkles.
Made a delicious croissant sandwich and finished the Mickey and Minnie in Hawaii puzzle. I actually don’t know if it’s Hawaii but it sounded color than “on a beach”.
Thursday, after my half day, I stopped by Starbucks for a pick me up and then headed to Frankenstein’s. I brought one of my carriers over so that Artemis can use it on her future vet trips.
I noticed a vase with flowers that felt kind of out of place since he never really has flowers indoors. They were for me! I had so many emotions because this man 3D printed me a vase! And bought flowers to put in it. The design is pretty cool and Mum wants one now.
Those that know me know I don’t love flowers because they die, but it doesn’t mean that the guesture isn’t nice. I was speechless.
He bought a 2000 Star Wars puzzle before we meet for work but everyone have up on it so he brought it back. I asked him to break up what was done so I will have the satisfaction of saying I did it all. He sat with me for a while to complete the sides and he doesn’t even like puzzles! Then we took a nap but after 10 minutes I went to answer some emails and continued puzzling while watching Supernatural. Artemis say up high watching my every move.
After a couple of hours Frankenstein woke up and we decided to head to dinner at Prohibition 52. His choice and it was perfect. We sat on the balcony and had a good few hours off conversation over drinks and food. We laughed at how we ended up with three different types of potatoes.
Friday morning, I volunteered at the Peanut Butter Production Plant for the Houston Astros Foundation. It was kinda fun to see how they do it and to be able to take home one as well. There was a moment where they were backed up due to the label maker malfunctioning and it was pretty cool to see everyone working together.
Afterwards, I met up with Erin, John and Angie at District 7 for lunch. I shared some oysters with them and scarfed down my paella. We talked about work and family mostly. It was nice to see old coworkers and joke about everything and anything.
Later that night I met up with Priscilla. I hadn’t seen her since end of 2019 (we believe). We were suppose to go to a different restaurant but the estimated time was almost two hours so we decided to go to Rouxpour. We ordered 3 dozen oysters and some sides and caught up on EVERYTHING. It’s nice being able to just pick back up where we last went off.
Saturday, I met up with Erin and John one last time for lunch at King’s Bierhaus. We had conversations about non-work things over beers, schnitzel and weiners. I had the best Grapefruit Radler ever and now I think I am a Radler lover! It sucks they don’t live in Houston anymore but I am thankful we are still able to catch up.
Later that night, Brudda, SIL, Emmy and Ethan came into town. We celebrated June’s birthday early over Thaicoon and played a game of Escape that Sissy and BIL brought over.
It’s been harder and harder to see each other like this so I cherish it always.
The whole Sunday was dedicated to pleasing Ethan after his family left. He’s staying with us for a little bit and I’m already tired.

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