This week’s good eats. June was off a few days and on one of the days she got us shrimp and snow crabs. YUM! It hit the spot for my little seafood heart. I made watermelon juice one day – reminds me of Thailand times. Got Indian and Sonic another time. But the most favourable mention was Mum making me one of my childhood favourites – macaroni with spam and eggs.
I finished another puzzle this week. Little Mermaid. I’ve started a 1000 piece. I forgot Ethan was going to come down for a month. Hopefully, no missing pieces.
Tuesday, Beth and I met up at Gloria’s for a girl’s dinner. I ordered a Paloma drink but it wasn’t that great compared to their margaritas. The tamales still hit the spot and the quesadillas were filled with a LOT of yums. Good picks all around.
Service wasn’t the best that night so we opted out of ordering dessert and went to Somi Somi across the street for some ice cream. Perfection.
I took Friday off for having so much stress from just working all the time. I started the day with a chiropractor appointment who cracked me all crazy nice. Then I went home for a nap before heading to my Thai Massage. Definitely one of my new favourite places! Upon arrival, they give you slippers to change out of as well as a cold chrysanthemum tea (for first timers). They lead you to the room where they have a HUGE bed and beams up top. I told the lady not to step on me so she didn’t use the beams but 60 minutes went faster than expected and she got a lot of knots and stuff out. They give you your slippers back and then you get served some other hot tea that is a little sweet.
Overall, great experience. I’ve already told Sissy to give me birthday present from here if she has trouble thinking of something.
After the massage, I met up with Sebastian at Humble Grounds Coffeehouse. We each ordered a coffee, empanada, and sandwich with chips. We caught up, talking about our futures, work, and significant others. Crazy how three hours can put a lot of things in perspective.
I was able to have two separate video calls with the kids. Both silly af. Few more days until Ethan is back with us for a month. I’m already excited and tired at the same time.
Saturday morning, I drove to Frankenstein’s where Artemis was, again, hissing at me. “Dad, why is she back? I thought it was a one time thing!”
We hung out a bit before heading off to Galveston. I mainly wanted to see where he grew up and listen to his stories. I know he has a lot more to tell and I can’t want to learn more about him. Good or bad, it’ll help me understand him.
After a small tour of his growing up, we parked the car and headed to lunch at Katie’s Seafood House. Mostly because I needed to pee.
We ordered a massive fried seafood plate with a cup of gumbo. I’m glad we shared because I would feel very poopy after eating so much fried foods. We both agreed some things were better than others but it was good nonetheless.
The waitress left us with “Y’all stay out of trouble.” Um … okay, thanks.
I finally got to step foot on the Ocean Star Museum. I’ve wanted to go since it became a thing but at my work, the teams I was on never went so I was thrilled when Frankenstein agreed to entertain me. You would think as someone that has worked in the oil and gas industry for over 14 years, would know a lot about it but you’d be wrong. Frankenstein knew so much. That man continues to amaze me with all the knowledge he has in his head. And he’s rarely wrong. We did the scavenger hunt and we got majority of the questions right. I wish I could post the photoshopped picture of the two of us in the cut out. We didn’t have anyone nearby to take it for us but it’s hilariously, badly photoshopped by yours truly. Sigh, maybe I should ask if he’s okay with me posting his face here by now.
We walked around the fancy touristy shops and then he asked what else I wanted to see. We had put Moody Gardens Aquarium on the list but we were both also okay with not going. We ended up going back to his place and watched Damascus Cover while playing with Artemis. I almost fell asleep a few times because I was so tired.
After the movie, we decided to get dinner at Craft 96. But when we almost got there, I noticed my safety pin that held my dress together so there’s no gape was missing. We ended up making a pit stop at HEB where he helped me find safety pins. So sweet.
This place has SO many beers and the food was so good! We both found a beer we both love – Saloon Door’s Blueberry Cream Ale. Ugh, it was so good I had 2 16 oz and a 1 5 oz pour of it along with it. I had another 5 oz of a beer called Lucy but it didn’t even hold a torch to how smooth and delicious the Blueberry Cream Ale was.
After dinner we went back to his place where I’m certain Artemis was thinking “Ugh, why is she still here?” We watched all the episodes of Netflix’s Swear Words while sipping (chugging for me) a glass of whiskey with bitters. It was surpassingly good.
The next day I headed home and practically did nothing. It’s been a relaxing weekend and I’m already dreading working.

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