Wednesday, I had plans to get dinner with Mallory and Beth at Local Table. Sadly, Mallory couldn’t go since Jacob ended up not feeling well.
First time Beth and I hung out alone together and I very much enjoyed our conversation while enjoying delicious foods. We both shared things to one another we never really opened up to many people about so it was nice being vulnerable together.
Friday morning the whole family started our drives to Waco. We stopped to get McDonald’s breakfast and once we arrived to Waco we picked up some cronuts from Nightlight. They were even good after being in the fridge a day plus later!
Our view of the backyard. And all the free drinks the last group left over. Saved us a bit of money not needing to buy much.
My car went to HEB and picked up some weekend goods while Brudda’s car went and picked up lunch from Mac House. Their menu is very limited and doesn’t taste as good by the time we were back at the Airbnb to eat.
After eating we all jumped into the pool and had a blast racing. We put each kid in a float while Sissy and I rickshaw raced from one end of the pool to the other. Winner was obviously me every time with Emmy in my rickshaw.
After swimming Sissy and I went to Target then picked up food from Moroso. Pizza and risotto. Their risotto was bomb but everything else was just okay. This place was popping though when we picked up our food so must be one of the better food places.
We enjoyed ice creams and mochi ice creams we picked up from Target then all headed to bed.
Saturday morning we left and headed to the Magnolia Silos and Market. We walked around mostly because we were waiting for our table at Magnolia Table.
While we waited for our food I brought out the glow in the dark tattoos and Emmy chose everyone’s. Something to keep her entertained.
The food came but nothing to special to write home about. Mostly busy due to Chip and Joanna Gaines being famous else, I douby it’d be a hyped up place. Also our food was super cold but our server was perfect!
Back to the house where I enjoyed some fine reading and swims with everyone. I went with SIL to pick up dinner from Blasian Asian whole Sissy made watermelon margaritas. Since a lot of people had leftovers we didn’t order as much food. Yay for cleaning out the fridge!
Sissy, BIL, Brudda and I played a few rounds of Marvel card game before calling it a night. But at 3am I got a phone call from our security system that our alarm went off. And my car decided to leave early but no worries. All is good!
Getting back early meant a lot of relaxing time. I went grocery shopping with Mum and June and we ordered different foods from different places. The sashimi hit the spot.
It was a nice trip where our family was finally able to be together in the same house for the weekend and I won’t take it for granted.

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