Memorial Monday equaled Ethan and I accidentally both wearing Rockets shirts. We took some impromptu selfies together while he chowed down on some sauceless/brothless macaroni.
June and I picked up Timothy and headed over to Sissy and BIL’s house where we then walked to 8th Wonder and met up with Sarah and Jacky. We drank some beers, picked up Rodeo Goat and ate that at the brewery as well before heading back to Sissy and BIL’s house to watch the Friends Reunion.
It was nice getting to do it with them and remember all the memories with it.
The rest of the week was filled with Ethan screams and Rizzo cuddles. Ethan left with Dad Friday morning and the house has been super quiet. Two weeks until I get to see him again. Which means another round of stranger danger until he feels safe with me again. Sigh.
We celebrated Dad’s birthday on Thursday, the actual day before they left. Ordered him Sushihana and blew out the candles of cheesecake and mousse cake. Ethan didn’t like his dinner but was all for cheesecake. Silly.
Later that night, I met up with Mallory and Beth along with their friend Michelle at Whiskey Cake. I had a whiskey flight which was much better than I thought. Their devil eggs and chef’s board was a hit. I would say the brussels and grits were subpar though. Great conversations and great company.
Friday, after work, I went over to Mallory’s to do my laundry since our washer broke and will take a while for a new one to arrive. We tried to start Cruella while Jacob high fived us. We didn’t get far but I did chow down on the free salad that she gave me since I hadn’t eaten all day. We went and got Snow Cones with Beth before heading over to pick up JJ from her mum’s. I got to see her parents and her grandparents, aunt, and cousin. It’s been a long time so it was great to see their faces and catch up.
Saturday, Mum, June, and I went to the Katy’s Farmers Market. Not a lot of vendors but it was still fun to check stuff out. We then had lunch at Thaicoon. Highly recommend. Great big portions and delicious.
We went to Costco after and I finally got my Melona Ice Cream that I’ve been craving after trying it at Gordon’s and Patsy’s. YUM!
We watched Cruella and I highly recommend it. So much twist and turns. Great acting from everyone. It’s been a while since something surprised me.
Today, I drove over to Frankenstein’s and we looked at cookbooks he had, deciding on Chicken Spaghetti. We went to HEB to pick up the ingredients then went back and made it. He says it’s kind of like what he grew up eating, plus or minus a few ingredients. I’ve been craving pasta so it hit the spot. And for anyone that knows me, knows I need to have a little more greens so he agreed and roasted me asparagus. We watched an episode of Money Explained (Student Loans) and it resonated a bit so we were able to talk about it. Then he showed me and explained to me about South Padre’s SpaceX which was pretty interesting.
I’m ready for my four day work week.

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