Hi from Pennsylvania!
I worked from home this morning and seven hours later I was out the door to the airport. Dad was nice enough to drop me off so I didn’t have to stay the night at Sissy’s to take an Uber or even pay for parking.
Upon arrival to TSA, they were rushing everyone and a lot of them were standing around as if waiting for a big shot to walk through. I was so rushed I forgot to take out my liquids but luckily, they didn’t say anything about it and let me through.

Since I wanted to get my work done, I didn’t have time to eat. I was surprised to see The Breakfast Klub when I got through TSA. The last time I had this was when I worked at my last job and they had it catered once a month for breakfast.
I ordered the usual wings and waffles. I’m not sure why I keep ordering it with the waffle since I don’t care much for it and never finish. Maybe next time I’ll just ask for the wings because they’re the only thing worth eating there.

Once my tummy was full and happy, I headed to my gate and waited a good, short time until we boarded the plane. I was sat next to a very cute guy which has never happened in my life! But with technology nowadays and my super shy anxiety, we just made niceities.

We were given choices of different snacks. I went with almonds and water. I chugged the water and saved the almonds for when we go hiking. I was able to get a few pages in before sleepiness kicked in. Then it was music and naps. The ride was a bit turbulent and cute guy and I kept bumping knees and arms and whatnot.

Once we landed, I hauled ass to the gate. It was a far, far walk but I made it with time to spare. It was restroom time and online shopping for a present before we boarded our flight. The flight was smooth and quick.

Daniel and Liliana came to pick me up and was nice enough to supply me my dinner to eat while driving to their house. So much yellow. The only thing missing was honey mustard but I wasn’t too bummed since everything was flavoured nicely and no extra calories. I was so hungry the only thing I didn’t eat was the toast.
I was also told that this is a dine in Sonic! How crazy is that?! I guess since it’s so cold up here, it makes sense.

Soon enough we were at their new abode. Liliana got me some presents from her trip with her family and I got them the pups a travel water bottle for when we go hiking. It’s a new design that seems to make much more sense so I hope it works out.

They even poured me a glass of wine while I looked through my work emails.
Everyone is asleep now. Where they live is gorgeous but a bit scary with a foresty, off-the-path vibe so I have the pups in my room with me. But I really do love this place more than their last. It feels more cozy.
Okay, off to bed now since there’s a one hour time difference and we are waking up early.

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