These team button down shirts are so not my style nor the crazy Hawaiian print. Regardless, it was suggested everyone wear their shirts so I did.
I’ve realized that every position I’ve held since I’ve graduated from college has me straddling between two or more teams. I’m not sure how much I love it but I meet more people this way and gain more knowledge as well so I guess no complaints here.

We started off with a very delicious array of breakfast choices. I felt fancy because they had mini croissants and salmon (among other dainty things)! I wish I was able to pack the rest of the salmon to go. What a waste.

We had introductions, a VP guest speaker, and then the Marshmallow Challenge. You have 18 minutes to build a free standing tower that can hold a marshmallow on top using spaghetti, tape, and a piece of string. Ours wasn’t the tallest but it stood up unlike another team so I was proud.

There were a lot of slides and open discussions which was very useful for me as I’m usually with my main team and I don’t get this knowledge or what they worry about daily. It also helps to see how everyone thinks.
Lunch was served and I felt like I was at a fancy buffet place. Three different entrees and a plethora of sides. I feel so bad about the wasted food and really wished I could have taken some home. I wish they donated the food or something. I wonder if this hotel does dining because I’d come back!

We defined some risks before having dessert. Pecans pie and brownies. Desserts don’t really speak to me so this wouldn’t be the reason I come back. Then we finished our discussions and defined some Key Focus Areas before calling it a day.

We headed to Bowl & Barrel for Happy Hour. Again, they ordered too much food and this wasn’t even everything. The funnel cake is bottom right. It looks ugly but it was perfect. Okay, so maybe some desserts do do it for me.
I didn’t bowl too horribly and I could say for the first time in a long time, my anxiety wasn’t too high so I was able to enjoy without worries.

Soon enough I was home playing with Emmy. She tired me out. She’s at the phase where she loves to play with me. Although I’m tired I try my best to give her the attention. When I was too, too tired, she decided to play with my feet and legs. I guess, whatever floats your boat, little girl.

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