San Antonio. Austin. Dallas. Cancun. Hong Kong. Thailand. Big or small, this just might be the year of travels. I just have to factor in travel expenses and vacation days before it’s a yes to everything.
Bridesmaid for two of the five weddings means more expenses – dresses, bachelorette and bridal parties, gifts, etc. Luckily two of the five weddings are right here in Houston. The one in Cancun is still up in the air on whether or not I go but gosh do I want to go. To see my friends get married and just look at that gorgeous blues!
And because there is so much going on, I have to remind myself to stay on track so here are 2015 New Year Resolutions.
Blog more. Almost all the blogs I use to follow stopped blogging. They’re too busy living life – being married, being a mother; understandable. It got me unmotivated to blog because I started losing my friends – people I have never met. But I just have to remember to blog for myself.
Focus on health and fitness. I stopped when I got into that car accident back in March. Although my collar/shoulder isn’t fully 100% healed, I just have to slowly rebuild the muscles around those parts. Slow and steady wins the race! Above is one of my favorite eats. Plate of greens with grilled chicken and pesto pasta. YUM!
Do what I love. Sometimes I forget to just have fun or to just wind down. I am the type of person that always has to have something going on and when plans don’t follow through I freak out. I made a last second decision to go to a Rockets game with Zuco this Monday and it was one of the best times ever. Spontaneous. No planning. Perfection.
Thing Good Thoughts.
Til next time,

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