Today was the first day without the lady I was replacing. She was still able to assist on some things through messaging but it was HARD. So hard that my boss had to tell us we should all leave at 6:30 pm at the latest. Luckily, Erin has been super helpful and when she started explaining one of the lady’s workflows to me (the lady never got to it) I questioned some things to where we giggled forever because it didn’t make sense. I love being back and working with Erin because we work through the pain with laughter and that makes everything so much easier.
Erin kept having to tell me to breathe. She can sense my aura and while I’m trying hard to catch up on everything, as days go by, I find more and more missing gaps. I have just started and some people trust me more than others that have worked there for a while. It’s hard trying to keep your reputation while you’re sinking. Fingers crossed the dust settles soon.
I had lunch with Monica and we caught up about our families, our jobs, and our significant others or in my case, lack of. Our one hour lunch became two and it was just SO freaking easy to talk to her. It was our first time having one on one with each other after ALL these years and I really treasured it. Added bonus was getting away from the desk.
I am shocked to
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