Happy August 1st!
I cannot believe July is already over. This time last year I was homesick for Hong Kong but excited about Alyssa and Greg’s wedding. And my first day at my big girl job was coming up. Now that it’s been almost a year a lot of things have definitely change. But that’s a post for another day.
I just joined the Ray-Ban club. No more $5 sunglasses for me! Reason I decided to spend so freaking much on sunglasses is because I use my eyes so much for work and after work on computers. This is to ensure I get a least some protection.
This one is the RB3362 – 004/58 Cockpit Sunglasses. In other words, redesigned aviators. The lenses are smaller than regular sized aviators so they fit better for people with high cheekbones or those with smaller faces. (They’re so smart!) Plus I got mine polarized. Here’s a snippet of the difference between polarized sunglasses and non-polarized sunglasses:
Another valuable benefit they offer is almost complete protection against the sun’s horizontal glare, making the reflection of the sun almost unnoticeable for a clearer more defined vision. The intensity of the emission of sun waves is much higher than the scattered ones. Thus, making this kind of light harmful for the eyes and especially for those who are driving. The polarized lenses are used to block this intense light that is reflected from flat surfaces. The reason for this is that polarized sunglasses are made with vertical polarization, while the light reflected by the sun on flat surfaces is horizontally polarized. – via
Here’s a video on Polarized vs. Non-Polarized Sunglasses Lens Test. It’s not perfect but it’s a good indication of the difference.
I feel so grown up with them on, as dumb as that sounds.
No work tomorrow so it’s straight up Chinese Soap Opera night.
For those reading on Friday, Happy Friday!! 🙂
Stay Positive & Think Good Thoughts.

I finally got some good sunglasses this year too! So worth it!
agreed. I used them for the first time today and OH MY GOSH!! So cool … the polarization definitely makes a difference. 😉
I freaking love those glasses, I wish I could afford a good pair!
had to convince my parents to get them for me. it helps that the eye doctor told me I had little cracks (thinning) in my eyes. so it’s a definite need.
Good sunnies are SO key!! These are awesome, I love polarized shades, but mine are not polarized. My next pair will be!
oh girl, they are SO much better. cannot wait to see your new ones whenever that’ll be! Happy weekend!
Ahhh…so jealous. I really need to invest in a good pair of sunglasses but I’m always nervous that I’ll break them. I haven’t broken a pair in years though so I’m not sure why! Love the ones you picked!
I’m nervous about that too … so I’m SUPER careful with them. I’m afraid of stepping on it or something. gah my heart will BREAK if that happens.