Eleven hours of training today at work. And now at Cloud Café working on this post and some various graphic design projects! Glad I took yesterday off for a little fun. Post about that up soon. Promise!
Today marks a year since I bought the domain, Al Forno Mementos. So it was only fitting to finally make the change on it’s anniversary. Moving domains was not as hard as I thought it would have been! So I’m really happy about that. If you’re ever wanting to host, I highly recommend HostGator. I ran into ONE tiny problem and they were amazing!
You can read all about how I came up with Mellie Dee in my “About Melissa” tab. Finally content with a name that means something about myself so changes with my domain in the future is highly unlikely.
I invite you to stalk me: Bloglovin | Facebook | Instagram | Tumblr | Twitter | Pinterest | melliedeeblog@gmail.com
Hoping this change will make me more incline to blog again. But until next time, I wish you all a great weekend!

WOW, it’s already been a YEAR since you switched from MWM to AFM, and now to MD! I LOVE. I hope you get all those abbreviations..haha.
haha the abbreviations?! … Seriously, I think you’re amazing to even remember MWM! Thank you for always being a follower! <3 🙂