I finally did my Big Brother Big Sister interview. It usually takes two hours but mine ended up being an two and a half hours. I’m not sure how it went but I’m hoping I made it through. I would love to watch the kid grow up and everything. But I heard a lot of people get rejected so … Oh well if that happens to me.

Afterward, I read a book my boss gave me for a bit before picking Salim up from work. Last minute plans since I was downtown already. We went to Wanna Bao, a place I’ve been wanting to try since they opened.
Definitely way better than the one we went to in Chinatown. There was actually soup in the dumplings! We ended up order a second batch of Xiao long bao because it wasn’t enough food for us both.
Overall everything was perfect and I’d want to come back in the future. It was packed even when we left around one so you know it’s good!

We went to Kung Fu after to talk about work and girls again. I tried a yogurt drink and it ended up being freaking delicious. They use real fruit juice and mix in Yakult which is a type of yogurt drink Asians have.
I took him home soon after and headed home myself. I took an amazing nap before getting ready again.

Michelle and Matt were in town from Buffalo and brought the kids as well. I finally got to meet Jack who is about to be seven months old and Claire who is turning two in a couple weeks. Her party is tomorrow which I’ll be going to as well.

She had her aunt and grandparents over and we had some food made by her dad. I didn’t get much as I wasn’t too hungry but it all tasted delicious.
Michelle and I got to catch up a bit which was nice. It’s harder now since she’s so far away and busy with two kids, a job, and a husband who is in residency. Two more years and they’ll be back home. I’m making plans to visit them sometime next year, when it’s not cold as eff.

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