[2018] 018/365: Wagyu Dinner
Scruffy and I came across this at the Korean market and snagged a pack of sliced Wagyu. It’s obviously nothing compared to Theodore Rex but it was still dang good. It’s funny because we just had a quick chat yesterday about how we should not eat such good foods all the time.
The ice is starting to melt which is a good thing. It means not having to pump the tires before going somewhere due to tire pressure issues. It means not slipping on ice when Luna drags me on her leash. haha Yep, that happened yesterday. I still love it though because it means less people on the road and more people with their loves.
While we were at the market picking things up for tomorrow’s dinner party we came across sake sooooo it was only natural, right?
It was such a spectacular dinner. I wished we got the Wagyu steaks. Man, that would be amazing.
Game of Thrones before bed. Byeee!!

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