My boss came to me to tell me she’s shifting me around once everyone gets back from vacation. One of my many roles will be transitioned to Christopher and I’ll be taking on part of Erin’s role. I’m not sure how it’ll go. I can only hope I do well. I am sad I won’t get to learn the parts I wanted to since it’ll go to Christopher now but I’m happy because I get to do more of what I love. One step closer to being a business analyst or something of the like. My boss even said I can become COE of Salesforce one day if that’s what I want. Oh, the possibilities.

Big Brother Big Sister (BBBS) came and spoke at work. This has always been a program I wanted to join but never had the time to. They have this new thing called Mentor 2.0 which means once a week, you touch base with them online, and then go to six events for the school year. Easy peasy! I’m excited to see who I match with and hope I’m good enough to help them through whatever.

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