************ Not sure why the whole formatting is weird with the pictures but sorry! I can’t fix them! 🙁
Tomorrow’s my first day of school!! Exciting! Maybe … my first class is Finance and I already want to throw up knowing that.
I never knew how many blogs I’ve been following until these last few days. Given a handful are Tumblrs, therefore they update constantly, but even without those, I have 50+ unread posts every time I open my Google Reader. And I log in at least twice a day now.
Anyway, I’ve been busy catching up on blog posts and I’m loving each and everyone of them! Yes, I read them all!! Not much of the Tumblrs though because there are SO much pictures but blog posts, check!
Today, I woke up at 7am, showered, got ready, and headed on campus. It was our second day of FTK Leadership Challenge Retreat!!
I got to school by 7:45am. In hand was my OOIAJ … just in case the breakfast they serve was not good enough.
Luckily they served breakfast tacos from Bill Miller’s. Mmm … I ate my OOIAJ (because who wastes such good food! plus I’m pretty sure it’s better for me). I couldn’t resist though so I took one Potato, Egg, and Cheese taco. They did a horrible job on wrapping these babies with cheese everywhere. Gross to cheese like that but mmmm to the potato.
We then headed into our room and sat in a circle and had reflection.
They gave us a notebook they had made filled with blank papers. They were even personalized with our names!! I covered up my last name.
This is where we write about our thoughts and answer questions that have been asked. And anything else we want to reflect about goes into there.
Questions such as: What gives you spirit? What would or does kill your spirit? What other questions are on your mind? etc. etc.
The title to this post The Front Porch goes along with something we learned today. I’m not going to bore y’all with it but seriously, I love the saying and would love to incorporate that into my home in the future.
Then went into little groups and listened to lectures.
I love when they print out all the slides so I know how close we are to the end.
Is that terrible? Whoops.
One of the advisors for Leadership Challenge/FTK co-wrote a book with a friend of his about leadership.
He gave us our own copy to keep and read if we liked. And he even autographed it!! How sweet!!
I for sure will add this to my list of reading materials.
Why not?
For lunch, they ordered us Papa John’s. Not too healthy but what can you do? Free food is free food. I made sure to pick the ones with the most vegetables! That has to count for something right?
I learned a lot from those 7+ hours of retreat today. Though it was long I can pertain everything I learned to real life things. Stuff like running and staying healthy. It’s going to be a long journey to find my balance with those things and other things in life, but if I sit down and really think about the path I lead and plan it out, I can get there. Slowly but eventually.
I learned so much more, but I won’t bore y’all.
I just really want to remember this day that gave me great memories. I cannot wait to work with everyone to make a difference.
FTK: For The Kids Dance Marathon at UTSA with pediatric cancer. Together we can make a difference. (Cheesy words? … But so true!)
Time to relax … then bed. I’ll let you all know how it goes sometime this week. Peace and love!
Chelsea (@cschuurr) says
Am I one of those tumblr blogs =D?!
It’s great that you’re involved at your school. I’m not in any clubs or anything of that sort haha. I go, do some studying, and then go to work. With some boy-friend time in there 😉
Melissa says
I’m not sure if I’m following your Tumblr!! Hope that doesn’t sound rude. /: Your comments are linked to your Twitter. Send me your link to mouthwateringmorsel@gmail.com and I’ll check to see if I’m following it if not, I’l it out. (: