Today was quite relaxing. Chiropractic adjustment when I woke up, Loft and UPS to return items, then movies while cuddling with Rizzo. I’ve been constantly receiving packages all day as well. Between my Black Friday online shopping and the work’s Christmas party supplies coming in, it was a nice surprise to see what was arriving at my door.

I went and spent some time with Mallory as well. We ordered Favor delivery from Atami and desserts from Ooh La La Bakery thanks to free shipping! They give you so much food that I have a lot of leftovers!

JJ wanted me to teach him how to hold chopsticks and Mallory was quick at snapping pictures for memories. He’s right-handed apparently but held chopsticks in his left. It was so freaking adorable how hard he tried. He was able to use both hands on his chopsticks to grab something but in the end, reverted back to his hands. We also found out he wasn’t a big fan of the celery and boy did they put a lot of celery in.

I got to hold Jacob for a bit while Mallory showered and John took care of JJ. He had his, “okay, no more pictures please”, hand up. He’s dang good at lifting up his head now. Mallory thinks it’s weird that I compliment him on his round head.
We watched a little bit of WWE before I left which brought back a lot of memories. She told me they’re coming to town end of January. I really wish I could go because it’s something I’ve wanted since I was a kid but I don’t think it’s happening. Next time I guess.

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