Have you ever made out in a bathroom? No. Gross.
Do you think the last person you kissed is nice? If he wasn’t, why would I kiss him? ..
Who was the last person to call you? Katie.
Who was the last person to text you? Sammy.
What is the last non-alcoholic beverage you had? Water.
When is the last time you cried? Saturday night.
Are you scared of spiders? No … but I don’t like them.
Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? Yes.
What are your plans for this weekend? Partying.
Ever been swimming in a lake or river? Yes to both.
Last person you drove with in a car? Me, myself, and I.
What did you last buy? Houston Restaurant Week.
What’s irritating you right now? Everything.
What radio stations do you listen to? Anything.
Are you afraid of the dark? Sometimes.
Are you listening to music right now? Yes.
Do you like Chinese food? I’m Asian.
What is the last movie you saw in theaters? Inside Out.
Is there anyone you wish was still in your life? Always.
Do you get distracted easily? Depending on what it is, yes.
First time you kissed the last person you kissed? Few Thursday’s ago.
Was this the best year of your life? No. I’d like to hope there will be better years coming.
Who are your best friends? Yes.
What was going through your mind during your last kiss? Why are there so many kissing questions? … “Uh crap, I only wanted to kiss his cheek. Fuck he’s going for it … how do you do this again? Shit I fucked up.”
Is it easier to forgive or forget? Forget.
Are you jealous of someone? No.
What last made you laugh the hardest? Family.
Do you flirt a lot? Not to my knowledge.
Would you live with someone without marrying them? Uh … roommates .. duh.
Have you ever had a dream about people you love dying? Yes.
Who was the last person you cried in front of? Mum.
Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle? Yes.
Who was the last person that made you feel safe, why? What’s his face because he was the only one that knew certain things.
Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts? Who hasn’t?
Have you ever broken someone’s heart? Yes.
Do you believe that you are a good boyfriend or girlfriend? I’m told I am … I’d like to think so.
What did you do yesterday? Stuff.
Have you ever dated Someone Older Than You? Yes.
What time did you go to bed at and when did you awake? 1am. 5am.
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Depends on what they did the first time.
Believe in love at first sight? No.