Vincent and Alva arrived to Macau in the morning because they work nights. So they didn’t get much sleep or anything. Probably a good 4 to 5 hours.
Vincent was being a menace. Rachel and I were still sleepy and he goes and opens the curtains. Pure evil. But he did take a gorgeous panoramic picture!
I gave up my bed to Alva since he worked and came to Macau to hang out with us. Gotta be nice and all that jazz. We slept until 12pm. I only got at least 3 hours in all though with all that was going on but that’s okay. Memories, right?
We walked out of the hotel and started looking for food. A picture of the view while walking.
All the food places Rachel and Vincent knew about were not opened … wtf. So we resulted in eating what we know best. Congee and Wonton!
Tang Jai Jook (Tang Jai Congee) with Peanuts, Fish Slices, Squid, Pork, Pork Skin, Pork Stomach
Plain Wontons
More Veggies
Fried Wontons
Pigs Blood with Chives
Mmmm … The Tang Jai Jook was delicious. I wouldn’t add so much stuff in it though. It was all in my bowl and I wished I had more jook instead. No one wishes for that but I’m weird.
Everything else was good. Can’t say the same for the Fried Wonton. But then again, I’m not a big fan of wontons.
We started walking to our destination tourist spot. Look at all the people. This picture does not do it justice. After a long walk and bumping into many people … we made it.
Oh hello building … I don’t know why you’re important. Is that bad?
Alva walked with me to the very top up those many stairs. Thanks cuz! Everyone else was too lazy. We walked around for a good 5 minutes when we reached the top then headed back down.
I must say that Macau is definitely way hotter than Hong Kong. And much more humid.
Just some pictures of buildings and whatnot.
Oh and mopeds rule the world here in Macau. Weird. They don’t care if you’re an elderly … they will run you over if you’re slow.
Then we jumped into a taxi … two since you can only fit four per taxi and we had six … and we headed to a casino.
Oh … did I also mention the taxi drivers zoom really fast and most of the time I feel like I’m going to die. This is coming from a speeder …
When we got there, we walked around the Casino … we didn’t play anything because it was super expensive to put down a bet … and we’re not gamblers so we were all a little scared.
Afterward, we walked around the building and saw this …
It’s an inside building … all the clouds you think you see are fake and painted on the ceiling. Sweet huh? It’s much more real in person.
Oh and they have a “river” running through where you can pay and sit on the boat. On one of the boats, a dude sings whatever dialect you can speak and he is good. Very. Good.
We all stopped at the McDonald’s there and got either Ice Cream, French Fries, or Coffee (which was much needed for some). I got a McFlurry. Pretty much the same price as the States … but they give you less. This. Is. Why. America. Is. Fat.
Oh and the ice cream tastes better over here. I’m not being biased. Promise.
Then we rode a bus to the dock. Got our free tickets at the ferry station.
Walked through a long tunnel … and into another Casino. Some won, some lost. (I won 24.50 in Hong Kong dollars … which isn’t much. But it’s better than losing it all.)
Then we walked back through the long ass tunnel in time to get on our ferry.
Goodbye, Macau. Hello, Hong Kong.
When we got there we were walking through a mall and they made me do this …
… because they think the figure (made out of balloons) looks like me. It was embarrassing doing that for a good three times so that Rachel can take the picture. Best one … even with the other half cut off. Oh well … I realize I lift higher … and I’m kicking her in the face. Sweet.
Dinner was served. We made sure we invited PoPo along too so we ate close to the flat. I’m not a big fan of the foods we ordered but it wasn’t all horrible. I don’t think I would go to this place again though. And if you were wondering … it’s Thai food. But this was too Thai for me … haha
On our walk back to the flat, Alva and I stopped by the little playground area and he showed me he can do pull ups. I was surprised … and impressed. He’s a tiny … but a little taller than me. I guestimate a good 5’ 8” to 5’ 10”. I haven’t been able to do one since I quit basketball in high school. Eeep.
Vincent and Rachel went to buy Tong Sui and got me a Hot Sesame Tong Sui! Then Mum opened up one of the foods she bought in Macau … dried squid. I’m not a fan of this kind of dried squid but I ate it anyway. Fattie right hurr.
Macau is a great place to go to have a little fun. I would love to go there again when I have the chance. Maybe by then I’ll be making enough dough to wear I can bet a little more money in those machines. Those are the only ones I feel comfortable enough to play cuz I hate all the staring and crowdedness. Makes me nervous.
I am finally settled in the hotel in Taiwan. Saw my cousin, Wilson, and his wife so all is well so far. Except I already have negatives on Taiwan. Not what I wanted. More on that later gators.
Peace and Love.