How did I spend my New Years Eve leading up to the New Year?
I woke up bright and early and went to my sissy’s downtown. Picked her and Brett up and we went to get breakfast tacos from Pappas.
Went back and ate with their roommate, Ross, and sissy’s friend; then sissy and I headed to get our nails done, redeeming the certificate my sissy gave me as a present for Christmas. We both got the same color. This picture does not do it’s justice.
We went back to the apartment, chilled, then met up with dad, mum, and June at Olive Garden. Shopped at Academy and dropped sissy and Brett back to their apartment.
Went home, took a nap (hehe), had dinner and played Mahjong with the parents and June. I lost … I never learned to play. It was a lot of fun though. Then mum and June did Dance Central on the Xbox Kinect while I watched. We counted down, ate some snacks, then clicked through some pictures from Christmas and Thanksgiving that my brother uploaded.
It’s been a good day with Family. Just wished I got to see the bro too.
I’m not sure what my New Year Resolutions should ever be.
I have a feeling I’ll never follow through.
Here goes:
- Graduate from College – This is suppose to happen in May. Fingers cross I pass my classes!
- Find a steady job – How does one look for a job? Help!
- Lose 25+ pounds – I really need to bog down on this. Any tips welcomed.
- Run a 5k race – I might have one lined up for October. There’s one in February but I don’t think I’ll be able to do it.
- Stay in touch with friends – It’s always hard for me to do so when I’m gone from a place to long. Maybe by then, I’m okay with sharing my blog …
Everything seems easy and at the same time hard.
Wish me luck!
Do we have any of the same resolutions?
What are yours?
Did you have a good New Years Eve?