Recap of 2016 New Year Resolutions
- Continue weight loss – or more specifically toning
- I totally failed this. I gained all the weight I lost from the previous year thanks to the boyfriend life.
- Stay in touch and spend more time with family and friends
- I did way better at staying in touch with family members (thanks to fantasy football) but friends wise, I would say I did way less spending time with them since the ones I usually see either moved away or had a baby.
- Meet new people
- Thanks to the boy toy’s friends and family.
- Read more
- Read way more than I did last year which is a plus but not as much as I wished I did.
- Never stop learning
- I’ve learned so much this year about myself. Some that surprised me and helped me grow a lot.
- Travel to somewhere I’ve never been
- Seattle, Vancouver, and Colorado. I’ll say I was super successful in this resolution.
- Unplug more and just enjoy life
- I sure did. I was blogging so much in the beginning and started to do it less when I started dating. I also don’t check Facebook as much as I use to which is a plus.
My 2017 New Year Resolutions
- Focus more on health and fitness
- Read more
- Travel somewhere new
- Blog at least once a week
They are pretty much the same resolutions I have every year but they’re good ones to keep.
Be safe out there! Happy 2017, y’all!