[2018] 172/365: Snappy Salads’ Baja Shrimp Wrap
I was sitting there, minding my own business, when a secretary came up to me and asked if I wanted free food for lunch. I was hesitant since I had leftover Chipotle in the fridge but when she told me it was from Snappy Salads, I jumped at the chance. I’ve been meaning to try this place but never had the courage to. There were a couple salads and a few different wraps left on the table and I snagged a Chipotle Chicken wrap for Lil-P and a Baja Shrimp wrap for myself. I am FLOORED by how delicious it was. I am excited to order from them in the future. They have HORRIBLE reviews so I am going to omit noting them but their complaints were nothing major. Just straight pettiness.
Work flew by and soon enough I was home and Scruffy and Luna were on their way over. Luna played with all the pups while he and I went on our crawfish and shrimp date at Cravin’ Cajun. This time it was two pounds of crawfish, two pounds of shrimp, one corn, one cup of mushrooms, and eight potatoes. I still felt it was a lot of food. Now that my appetite is a bit smaller, we’ve been trying to gauge what is the right amount of food. I tend to over order because I want to try EVERYTHING and I know I can always take it home to eat later. I’m trying to do less of that, but it’s still hard.
Tomorrow is Friday and I cannot wait! Another busy weekend but I know it’ll be worth the memories!

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