Yesterday was so busy I didn’t have time to blog! It’s been a long while since that has happened. Overall, it was a great relaxing day. I put down the worries and didn’t care. I went with the flow and everything went very well.

I started off getting a manicure and pedicure by myself to relax and enjoyed a mimosa while doing so. In less than half an hour I was out the door. They have great timing and get so many customers because of it.

I went home and relaxed for half an hour before heading back out the door with June. We went and got reflexology massage at Footworks. $30 per person for an hour. So freaking worth it.

June and I went to Yummy Crawfish and Seafood. We weren’t sure if it’ll be good but since my usual place closed down I’ve been searching for a new one. They have great flavour but not spicy enough. We will definitely come back even though it’s a bit expensive. I love having the snow crabs but didn’t care much about the blue crabs.
June and I believe I might be allergic to crawfish since I never feel well after. Shrimp and snow crabs only might be what I’ll have to end up having if that’s the case. With sporadic crawfish feast … obviously.

I took a nap and talked to London before heading out the door for dinner with Nancy. I haven’t seen her in a couple years since Thuy’s wedding. We shared beef noodles, pork chop bake, and Hong Kong French toast. I was glad she loved it and it warmed my heart that the toast reminds her of her dad. He would be super proud of the woman she’s become.

Her boss gave her free tickets to the play, A Chorus Line, since they couldn’t make it anymore. We had no clue what it was about and it ended to being so good. We can’t believe her boss paid $90 for each ticket!

We got an Uber and meet up with Carmen and Adam at Electric Feelgood. We ordered drinks and took a lot of pictures and boomerangs before heading to other places to check out the scene.
It’s the latest I’ve stayed out for a long while and was happy that I got to go and enjoy a night out in downtown, something I always want to do once in a while.
I finished Love Alarm from Netflix since I wasn’t able to fall asleep until 5am. I ended up sleeping for a good two hours before waking up. Today has been relaxing. Sissy and BIL came over with lunch from Aji Ramen, watched the Texans game and bought thickets to the Astros game. Meal prep took only 20 minutes thanks to the instant pot. I need to look for more recipes!

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