First things first. Sissy sent Brudda and me pictures and videos of this little baby. I guess she doesn’t want our parents to find out that she is volunteering to watch over Teddy and bring him in for adoption come Saturday. They said he’s a terrier mix but I see some lab in him which reminds me of Luna, but the sunny version of her, Sol. Bruno and Kato just stare at him and it’s so adorable!

His colouring kind of reminds me of Rizzo when he was a baby. If you’re interested in adopting this cutie, follow the link! Just look at his eyes! https://www.petfinder.com/dog/theodore-44938407/tx/houston/pup-squad-animal-rescue-tx1261/
Okay, back to my day. This morning there was a networking session where we were fed breakfast tacos and coffee. I got to meet people outside of my organization and it was nice to be able to talk about different parts of the company and branch out.

Josh, Juhi, Christopher and I met up with Erin and John for Thai food for lunch. The place we wanted to go to had water issues so we went across the street to We Thai Restaurant. Google gave it four stars, Yelp gave it three and a half. Guess, always go with Yelp because we’ve all decided we won’t be back. Their soup and vegetable egg roll were good but their pad thai tasted like sweet jam and their spice level was horrible. Josh ordered Thai hot and I ordered hot and I did not taste any spice at all. Bummer.

After getting back to the office, we were there for a good hour before Christopher and I headed to the Salesforce Basecamp Conference in a hotel down the street.

Salesforce has these things called Trails where you can learn how to use their product. I thought it was adorable that they put together a little trail mix bar!

We walked around, networked a bit, and saw a lot of cute little cardboard cutouts of their mascots. I wish I could draw cute things like this!

We sat through a couple hours of presentations and demos which was very informative. I don’t think I’ve ever been so alert in a conference before! And afterward we took a quick minute survey and received gift cards to Starbucks.

They ended it with a Happy Hour with an open bar and little finger foods. Fried chicken on a stick with barbecue sauce, crab cakes, and fried mini artichokes. We networked some more, met some people that also worked at the same company as us before we called it a night.
It’s been a day filled with networking and making conversations but it’s been one of the good days in a while so I cannot complain.

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