Scruffy and I met up to catch up at the dog park and Rizzo got to see Luna. It’s funny how the world works because I realized today marks one whole year since we broke up. Per usual, Luna was too into the ball but I got some pets in and was able to throw her a few balls. We all walked several laps as well. I’m sure Rizzo was happy to get out of the house because after his shower all he wanted to do was go under the blankets and sleep.

My boss gave me an okay to use the corporate card for a certain amount to take a loved one somewhere nice to dinner this weekend. I took Mum and we chose Yummy Crawfish and Seafood since it was close and we got to get a lot for our buck. My eyes, per usual, was bigger than my stomach.

We stopped by Kim’s Teahouse to pick up a few drinks as well. We’re sipping and watching the Astros dominate. Come on ‘Stros!

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