A couple of weeks ago, as I was leaving work, I saw a familiar face walking towards the car park. I had to look her up to see if what I saw was real. I reached out to her and we set up a lunch date for today. Another reunion with an old college friend whom I haven’t seen in over 10 years.
It’s crazy how big the world is but also how small it can be sometimes. We caught up as much as we could cram in a one-hour time frame. She’s a lawyer now, recent newlywed, and just moved back from DC and works at the same campus as me!
I’ve always been hesitant to reach out to others or ask them to hang out because I always fear I’m bothering them. Or if they say no or ignore me enough times, I’ll stop reaching out. I told her about my hesitance and she said she was grateful I reached out because if she’d seen me, she would have too.
I’m not sure where this reunion will take us but it’s always nice to be able to start up right where we left off.

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