I ran the first team away day of the year. I was nervous, flubbed a lot, but overall it went well. It’s also the reason I’ve been MIA this week. I’ve been working hard to put everything together and I’m glad everyone had a great time.

After our discussion on our 2020 goals, we headed to BATL Houston Heights for some axe throwing.

We ordered burgers and pizza for lunch along with two alcoholic beverages. The food comes from next door while the drinks are there at the place which is pretty convenient. The pizza was great though I heard the burgers were meh.

I got to throw big and small axes but overall I sucked horribly. Not so horrible that I was last place though!
I got to make shirts for everyone for this axe throwing event. I’m glad they turned out great and even the people who printed the shirts were surprised at how well and clean the design came out! So … I guess I do shirts that can be sent to the printers now. Hit me up!

We left early and some went to happy hour. I went over to Mallory’s and came in seeing this bundle in his bouncer. He was a happy baby the whole time I was there!

we ordered food from Cafe Del Sol and got Door Dash to deliver. Their food is pretty delicious.
Mallory and I watched a few episodes of Dynasty before I left. And now it’s relaxing and then working from home tomorrow. Yippie!

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