After work I went and got a reflexology massage. It was a pretty great price. An hour for $35! The only complaint I have is that people were fixing the roof so sometimes it was too loud but I was still relaxed to where I dozed off. There are a few more places I want to try out as there are a lot!

This morning I saw that there was free delivery fee for Tiff’s Treats. Since Sissy and BIL are having wine tasting tonight I decided to ship her some. I got a Tiffblitz for myself since I’ve always wanted to try it. It is vanilla ice cream with chocolate chip and brownie bits inside. Crumbled cookies are drizzled on top. It was surprisingly delicious but it’s also probably because I was hungry.

Wine tasting kicked off with Sissy’s old high school friends and their significant others along with a dude who was solo.

After going through five tastings we announced the winner. And it was ME! I ended up winning a prize and since then we’ve been talking about random things and just hanging out.
I’m ready to head home to bed but also too lazy to drive just yet. Tomorrow’s going to be amazing. First Houston Restaurant Week for the year. Esp!

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