Welp … that was 4 years of blogging. 2014 went by pretty fast, the year not a lot of blogging was done. Sometimes you just need a break and to live life. And boy did I live. Too much has happened to where I don’t even know where to begin. So here’s a recap of 2014.
- Paid off my student loans in less than a year!
- First time being asked to be a bridesmaid.
- Fitbit Force from Sissy & BIL … which later got recalled. No worries though. I’ll be getting my Fitbit Surge soon enough.
- My first real car accident.
- Wade Bowen Concert with these fellows.
- Visit from Andy & babysitting.
- Visit from Liliana & Patricia.
- Brother & Tammy gets engaged.
- Two Houston Restaurant Weeks and an Ice Bucket Challenge.
13th weekend: San Antonio Trip to mainly see Jenny and Travis. It brought me back to our college years. I didn’t want the weekend to end to where it made me start thinking about moving back to San Antonio.
21st: Ann and Tony, got engaged which means more weddings to come.
4th: 1 year old Rizzo. Still a rascal, but he’s my rascal that fills my heart with love.
October 25th & November 23rd: Renaissance Festival for the first time … then a second.
15th: San Antonio … 2014 FTK Fashion Show and best friend time with Liliana. She even planned out where to take Patricia and I.
6th: Company dinner at Mr. Peeples. Brought Michelle as my date.
12th – 15th: Tammy’s Pre Bachelorette Party in Vegas.
27th: Bayto’s 21st birthday celebration. When he drinks, he is so out of his bubble … and I love it!
28th – 31st: San Antonio just because.
So what’s to come in 2015? Too much. Lots of wedding festivities and a possible trip back to my homeland.
Cannot wait to see what 2015 has in store for us. Maybe more blogging? ……

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