I am currently on my way to The Friends Experience to kick off the new year. If you know me at all, you know it’s one of my favourite television shows so the excitement is through the roof.
So until next time, here’s a recap on the last year.
- Became a Professional Scrum Master — Ethan was so bitty then
- Texas Snow
- First Covid Shot
- Started Rosetta Stone for Mandarin — haven’t quite finished it but making little progresses when I do have time
- Met Connor for the First Time
- Fully Vaccinated
- Mum got Lasik!
- Asus Zenbook Duo Laptop
- Started talking to Frankenstein but no posts on him until next month.
- Dyed Easter Eggs with Emmy & Ethan
- First Date with Frankenstein
- Disney On Ice: Mickey’s Search Party with Emmy, Mallory & JJ
- New Samsung S21 Phone
- Dewberry Farms with Emmy, JJ & Connor
- Kemah Boardwalk with Frankenstein
- Birthday/Mother’s Day Crawfish Boil
- Birthday Dinner with Mallory & Beth
- Dyed My Hair Purple (Red)
- Birthday Celebration with Frankenstein
- Stayed a Week in San Antonio & Met Chole for the First Time
- First Colombian restaurant with Sebastian
- Mandeville, Louisiana to Visit Michelle
- Volunteering at the Mayor’s Back to School Fest
- Frankenstein Meets Mallory & John at Andretti & Soju 101
- Astros Game with Frankenstein
- Houston Restaurant Week: Harold’s
- Houston Restaurant Week: Federal American Grill
- Yearly Checkup for Work
- First Present from Frankenstein (handmade! with flowers)
- Catch up with Priscilla
- Volunteered at Peanut Butter Production Plant
- June’s Birthday Dinner at Ember & Greens
- Frankenstein’s First Korean BBQ & Axe Throwing
- Jenny’s Bridal Shower
- Team Building at Top Golf
- Dewberry Farms with Ethan, JJ, Jacob & Connor
- Jacob’s Birthday Party
- Carved Pumpkins with Frankenstein
- Texas Renaissance Festival with Amy
- Cirque du Soleil Alegria with Mallory & Beth
- Last NOV Team Building at Taste of Texas
- Linda & Ricardo Wedding – Fredericksburg, Texas
- Amy in Boerne, Texas
- First Covid Test
- Christmas Eve/Day at Moody Gardens with Frankenstein
- The Infinite Experience with Frankenstein
- Ethan’s 2nd Birthday

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