Today was pretty laid back. A lot to do but Mondays are always less stress than others since the big players are too busy to bother me. Because of that, I decided to accept a lunch invite. This is with people I worked with back when I started at this company. Some have retired, others are on their way to retiring, etc. It’s crazy that it’s been over ten years since I first met them and it seems as if nothing has changed.

Gary was nice enough to drive me and Rose there where we met up with David, Floyd, and Jannie. The rest couldn’t make it but the company we had was nice. We went to Tan’s Hunan, their usual back up place. I ordered soup and wings (appetizers) since I wasn’t so hungry, and was shocked by the amount I got. I packed it all home and had it for dinner as well. Their food isn’t horrible and the soup really hit the spot for me since it was chilly out.

I declined my fortune cookie but David said I needed it to know my fortune. “Soon, a visitor shall delight you.” I posted this exact picture on my Instagram story with “How soon? Where you at? Show yourself.” And I got the most ridiculously hilarious replies back. But seriously … show yourself.

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