I used to go to The Joint for chiropractic adjustments since they wouldn’t break the bank and Scruffy would tell me how they weren’t real doctors and they could break my back instead. I got scared and never went again but now that my insurance covers a big portion of it, I went to my first legit one this morning and it was euphoric, to say the least.
I had an assessment then an adjustment (freaking ASMR with the popping), electroshock therapy, and stretches on the machines. The lady assisting my stretches was shocked at how flexible I am. The machine only went to 110 degrees and I could go past it. I can do splits so it was a given. The last part was possibly my favourite. I laid on this table where a rolling punch machine goes up and down your spine in sections. I loved when it hit my lower back.
I go back next Friday for an evaluation on how much has changed in a week. Hopefully, we can decide on once a month but if I have to come back every week, I probably wouldn’t mind. I also found out that he opened his practice on May 15th 30 years ago, 2 days after my birth. How crazy is that! It was meant to be!

I went to Sissy’s with Bruno and Kato bombarding my personal space as I put in some studies. They are so much better looking after their haircuts, don’t y’all think?

I took an Uber and met up with Salim, Vicky, and Justin at The Conservatory. Salim and I don’t work with them anymore so it was nice to band together and catch up. Soon, we were all walking back to “the office” together, bumping into Fahad and Tayeb. After a brief catch up, Joel showed up and we all disbanded as he and I walked to Starbucks for our catch up. We didn’t notice two hours had passed so we rushed back to his office for him to pick up his things while I wrote notes for Prisila and Noah. He was nice enough to take me back to Sissy’s instead of having to call another Uber.
The senior interns did their presentations last week to the owners of the company, higher-ups, etc. There’s a part where they have to mention one person that impacted them while they were at the company and Guisseppi chose me. ME! I was only a supervisor for less than four months so it’s shocking to me.
Many people may not know who she is since she is no longer an employee here but I chose her because I was very shy and she got me to come out of my shell. She was bubbly and easy to talk to, greeted me and asked me how I was doing to make sure every part of my life was okay, patiently taught me everything I know, and is just genuinely a nice and caring person.
Paraphrased from Joel who paraphrased from Guisseppi’s presentation
My heart, guys. MY HEART. If you go to my bucket list, you’d see “54. Make a difference in someone’s life”. I’m sure I’ve done this before, but to hear it, and for that person to announce it to “the world” makes my heart so happy. I also heard that the b*tch who gave me hell every single day I was there has tried adopting my personality but I’m told, no one is buying it.
This was a long post, but I wanted it to look back on one day so if you read it all, kudos to you! My heart is so full, and my back, though sore from the adjustment, is not in pain. It has legitimately been a great day.

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