This is Asianized quail. Parents buy it from some grocery store already made. They look like they are little people. Sometimes, they are legs are bent more and it looks like they are kung-fu fighting. hehe
It’s SO good. Better than chicken in my opinion. Great brain fuel for when I was getting tired from studying.
[2018] 086/365: Advanced Excel
I finished Python, started Advanced Excel and am now on SQL. I bought a Linux one to learn it was so horrible, I had to ask for a refund. Oy vey. Did I mention I have an interview coming up and I need to learn all these different ways of coding? And I don’t know anything except SQL, and even then, I need the internet for help. I’m freaking out, but I guess if I fail, at least I had a good mock interview.
P.S. Today marks two years officially with Scruffy. We aren’t able to celebrate tonight but we have something planned in the near future and I cannot wait. I’m hoping everything works out and it actually happens. Fingers crossed. Regardless, I have presents wrapped up for him already and I cannot wait for him to open them! Eeep! Happy Two Years, Hon-ay! haha

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