Today was the first day Christopher and I went to mentor a couple of 3rd graders. They are so sweet. My girl talked so much so it was pretty easy.
We missed part of their recess since we couldn’t find the front office so by the time we got through the tour it was time for their lunch.
They ate and we each got to know our own kid. Then we played Jenga with Christopher and his kid before we decided to do a “All About Me” sheet. I didn’t know what to write on some so I made it up.

We ended up getting Chick-fil-A and brought it back to our desks to eat while we worked. I’ve been craving it so when Christopher said he wanted that for lunch, I didn’t fight him on it.
The rest of the day was a mess of issues. I ended up staying later than I wanted and ended up working a little bit just now but tomorrow is a new day.
Mentoring the kids gave me a break away from my desk so it was nice. It made the day go by faster and seeing the kids so excited that we were there and wishing we could come everyday puts a smile on my face.

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