03/03 – Dinner for Scruffy and the famsiciles. My own take on Ramen with generous sides. Soup base not pictured in fears it’ll mess up my picture. Ha!
03/04 – 10 year High School Reunion at Saint Arnold’s Brewery. Worth going to see how people turn out. I bumped into more people going to the restroom than being in the main room.
03/05 – Scruffy surprised me with a buttload of crawfish. I was such a happy camper. There were so many leftovers but I demolished it the next day … some with June. She said it was PERFECT and would like him to come make more for us one day soon.
03/06 – Emmy is finally born. I can cross being an auntie off my list! I’ll be making an eight hour round trip just to see her face in person this weekend! Eeep! Can’t wait to hold her.

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