My last day of work face. Noah says I look cross-eyed. Darn lazy eye.
Work went by super fast. I spent it updating work instructions, making sure the auto download works on the server, have meetings and one with the vendors, and the such. It was definitely one of the busiest days I’ve ever had there.

It was lunchtime before I knew it and Noah walked with me to Doozo. I wanted Treebeards but they were busy and I was lazy to wait.
We brought our food back to the kitchen and I received a message. Soon Noah and I were in a room with Kieran and Salim eating lunch and playing the switch!
Even that went by so fast that soon enough I was walking out the door. Sad to leave because the people there are amazing but happy because a new chapter is to begin.
I went and got my nails done because I obviously need to make a good first impression at my new job tomorrow. I am so tired and cannot wait to go to bed. And the way shorter commute is going to be so sweet.

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