I finally met up with Noah & Joel today for a super late lunch at Jollibee. It’s been a long time since I’ve been and it’s easily become Noah and I’s go-to place when we can’t figure something out.
Still delicious as ever and bought a lot of extras so my family can have some. They were in love as well. I wish they’d make one closer to Katy so I can get it more often. But then again, it’s probably a good idea that they don’t.
I finally got my ski pants back from Joel after a year later and Noah finally gave me my pottery that we did together half a year ago. It’s crazy how much time has passed but it doesn’t feel any different. I’m hoping I can hold on to this friendship because I love watching them grow up!
Afterward, I ran some errands and went home for a guitar jam session before Katie, John, Joanna, Katrina, Jasmine, and Timothy came over for dinner. They mostly came over to play with the pups. They’re still a bit afraid but hopefully as they get older, they won’t be scared of them.

One of Mum’s coworker’s daughter got married and there’s an old Chinese superstition where you eat the offering and you can be next. Mum joked I should eat some but little does she know, I’ll probably eat the whole damn bag because they’re actually one of my favourites. It makes me laugh that a couple of hearts and Chinese word makes it “blessed”.

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