I’m going to cheat and write as if I published this yesterday because I didn’t get home til almost one am and I was pooped from the drive.

I was supposed to meet up with Jakob for lunch but due to timing and having to drive to Montgomery for the wedding our timing didn’t work out as planned. Instead I had lunch with Sissy and the family to celebrate her birthday at Sushi 9.

After running a couple of errands I headed to my over an hour drive to Montgomery, Texas for Jenny and Kemp’s wedding. The drive wasn’t as bad as I thought and seeing this sight made my heart happy.

I was kind of feeling myself since I haven’t put on full eye makeup in a long time.

Her decorations were on point and I loved the wooden name touch. I don’t know what I’m going to do with it but I love it.

There was an announcement to not take pictures during the ceremony but I’m a rebel. But don’t worry, they photographer and videographer were standing next to where I was sitting so I wasn’t in their way!

I finally got to meet Emma, Wacko & Monica’s daughter. She’s already so grown! She was very shy but still uttered hello to me and gave me high fives and kisses.

They catered from Goode Barbeque and had open bar. Everything from the venue to the food and drinks were on point. I’ve found out I like Crown Apple with Cranberry juice as well.

I was lucky to snag a picture with the lovely couple. Her dress was so freaking gorgeous! Speaking of dresses, my dress had both the bridesmaid and groomsmen colours! How crazy on point was that.

These two are so silly, so loving, and so perfect for one another. They’ve both grown a lot as well and I’m so honoured to have witness them tie the knot.

It was also great to see familiar faces again too. Well other than Wacko since I work with him and see him practically every day.

But this family always makes me feel very welcomed and always makes me feel like I belong. There were no anxieties walking into the Big Sky Barn alone because I knew with them I felt at home.

It was a gorgeous wedding. We danced the night away and caught up. There was drunk talk, drunk crying, and drunk love. Don’t worry, that wasn’t me. But I witnessed it all and my heart is full with love for each and every one of them.
The drive home wasn’t horrible since I was still high from all the love and fun we had.

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