I finished my quizzes for my course on time! One more week left and I’ll get that certificate! I don’t know how great use it’ll be but it’s from Duke so it has to count for something I guess.
Since I was studying, it meant no GOT for me last night which also meant no checking messages nor surfing Reddit. That didn’t last long though. I got to work and watched it and all I can say is, I knew it! Now it’s time for Cersi to die.

Lunch was surprisingly delicious. I crave pasta always and I’m surprised how much I like tortellini! I usually stick to penne or something so it was a nice change and definitely made me super full.
Around lunchtime I received a text from Mallory asking if I was available after work for the gender reveal party. John couldn’t wait for Sunday.

It’s ANOTHER boy! Mallory and I really wanted it to be a girl but knowing John’s genes it was already set in stone. I was able to capture somewhat good pictures for their album.
It was hilarious how JJ wasn’t a big fan of the smoke bit Danica kept wanting to run to it. We found out later she thought the baby was inside and wanted to see. Kids are so adorable.

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