This is a picture of the car the day I signed … before they washed it and shtufffffffff.
I brought home the new car last night and this morning it’s thundering and pouring down rain! Ugh. I hate when you get a car wash and it’s ruined because of the rain. Plus I have to badge in to get to the parking garage at work and because I got my windows tinted, I cannot roll them down for a few days. Rain all over me and the inside of my car. Yay!
But other than the rain raining down on my parade (haha get it?) the car is pretty sweet. I’m still trying to get use to all the functions and so use to pressing buttons on the dash instead of on the steering wheel. I’ll get there one day … or maybe not. Who knows.
Can someone call me or text me while I’m driving? I want to try those features. kthanks!
This came in the mail and my heart just popped out of my chest when I opened the wonderful surprise.
I don’t collect things like this because I never know what to do with them. But eeps nonetheless. I’m sure it’s expensive now.
Soon to be the weekend and I’m excited. So far it seems to be a relaxing one and I cannot wait! Eeeeeeep!

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