I cannot keep my eyes open the whole weekend. Scruffy gave me a wake up call at 2pm on Saturday so that I can make it for the Falcons vs Seahawks game at his house. Let’s be honest though, I fell back asleep moments after I arrived until it was time to leave to Sissy’s for the Texans vs Patriots game. I was able to stay awake by playing on my phone during the game but on the drive home it was so bad that I had to sleepover.
I planned on waking up at 6am Sunday but I woke up at 12pm instead. I went home and a few moments later Scruffy came over with Luna since it was her 1st birthday. His job was to keep me awake all day. We went to the pet shop for a birthday gift and got Sushihana to-go. We plan on watching Shameless but it wouldn’t load so I started to fall asleep again and Scruffy fell asleep alongside me until 6pm. We failed.
I wanted to go back to bed when Scruffy and Luna left but June suggested after 9pm was best else I would wake up in the middle of the night. Thank goodness because when I went downstairs for a drink of water I saw bubbles! She accidentally put in Palmolive dish soap instead of dishwasher soap. I have never experienced this before so it was quite funny. I joked that since Chinese New Year is almost here, we were just cleaning. Our floors are sparkling clean now. Hehe

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