This morning I had a conference at the vendor. They had some tacos there and coffee for breakfast. This is probably the first conference that I’ve been to where I stayed awake through the whole thing. It could be because of the coffee or because I was really into the topic.
One of the attendees was an acquaintance from high school. We exchanged numbers and talked about hanging out sometime this week. We’ll see how it goes though because we all know the “we should hang out!” spiel. One of the girl’s she hangs out with was a very good friend of mine when we were in fifth grade. Small world, right? Haha
[2018] 303/365: I Voted!
I picked up June after work and we went and got our sticker! I’m excited to see if the ones I voted for wins.
June treated me to dinner since she knows I’ve been too sad to really eat. Wings just don’t feel the same without Scruffy and I could only eat four whole wings before I gave up. Bleugh. Nothing tastes good lately.

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