Happy Chinese New Year! Year of the Dog. It just made sense to go to the dog park, right? We met up with Paola and Soncco this morning after I grabbed an iced coffee from Starbucks because I was T.I.R.E.D.
After the dog park, I gave the pups a bath and here they are taking a mid-day nap. So freaking adorable.
While they napped and I worked on my computer, Scruffy went to pick up some tacos for our late breakfast/lunch, from Las Tarascas. I used to go here a lot with Tony when we were at our old job. They are still delicious, but El Jarro Cafe still beats them by a lot.
Later that night, we all went to Thai Cottage to celebrate the new year. I got the delicious Curry Noodles and shared two plates of Wings of Paradise.
Scruffy and I went to Texas Mesquite Grill so that he can have some beers. I saw crawfish on the menu and had to get, especially since I didn’t eat all my foods. Although this place isn’t seafood boil type of place, it was still delicious so much so that we I ordered another pound!
[2018] 047/365: Scrabble in Scrabble
We’re back home now, playing Scrabble and OH MY GOODNESS I cannot believe it! I finally got to use all my letters on a turn which means it’s a Scrabble which means I automatically get 50 points on top of whatever the original score is! I never knew that was a thing until I played Scrabble with Scruffy and his family.
He keeps telling me that the game is over after every turn we have but I want to see how high my score can really be since this NEVER happens to me!!
Las Tarascas
1025 S Mason Road, Katy, Texas 77450 | (281) 579-9994 | Yelp
Thai Cottage Katy
19610 Katy Fwy, Houston, Texas 77094 | (281) 398-0701 | Website | Yelp
Texas Mesquite Grill
20095 Katy Fwy, Katy, Texas 77450 | (281) 829-0444 | Website | Yelp

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