Today was a pretty great and relaxing day. I took Dad to the doctor, got a new car battery and spent the rest of the day doing practically nothing.

I went over to Amelia’s to prep for hot pot night with her while we caught up. It was with some people from my old team and some of their significant others (Amelia, Chase, Juhi, Vijay, Yang, Mary, Miao, Daniel, Cameron and Caleb). It was so bizarre because Yang and Mary used to go to high school with me. They were only a year and two years younger than me!
Before hot pot, I brought my grill with me and we made some boneless galbi which everyone seemed to love so yay!!

After talking for a long while we started to clean up and went upstairs for board games that Daniel brought. It was a lot of fun and we played so many rounds that by the time I got home, it was almost one am.
I’m pooped and ready for Saturday! It’s going to be a great day to … So I hope.

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