Currently sitting in the FTK room in the CPE. With Patricia and Jakob. We are studying and getting ready for finals. Finals week have started and we’re on a roll!
Tell me why it’s always easier to write a blog post then a paper. Make that two. I have to write two papers. Bleugh. And not to mention, a programming project. Let’s just say senioritis has hit me on the head and it won’t leave.
Tell me why I’m still sitting here after many hours even though I haven’t been productive. Actually I can tell myself that. It’s always nice to be some people’s company. Even when they are busy. It’s just nice to be in the same place with that person. Especially since once I graduate, I will be moving back home for my job. I want to stay with these people as much as I can.
Anyway, I got back to San Antonio Sunday and went to an Urgent Care Clinic. I was in too much pain that I couldn’t take it anymore. Still get sleepy at weird times, sore everywhere, headaches come and go, etc. etc. He said everything’s okay and that it’s normal but if it still continues, I would need to come back. Yucky! Let’s all hope that I won’t have to do so. I hate doctors.
My plans to go to Hong Kong for three weeks this summer is slowly dying. The prices are skyrocketing and there’s no way I can pay for that ticket to and from and pay for food. Not possible! So I’m in a sad mood. But it’s okay. I am now looking at a cruise or fly somewhere closer and cheaper with the mum and include the sissy in it. I’m excited. I hope this happens! Even if it’s not three weeks and only a few days, it’ll still be better than nothing.
Oh and the plans to go to Destin for a few days and New Orleans for one day on a road trip is seeming to be happening since the hotels are booked. No backing out. Excited. Just need to find a swimsuit I’m comfortable with. Right now I’m aiming for a halter one piece swimwear dress.
Graduation is in 5 days. I am no where near ready. Just need to get through these finals!
Everyone else that has finals coming up good luck! For those that are already out of school, have a good week!!
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