[2018] 070/365: Dim Sum with Ex-Co’s
Sissy and BIL left and Scruffy and I headed over to Crown Seafood for dim sum with my old co-workers and their boyfriends, Juhi and Vijay, Erin and John.
Afterward, Scruffy dropped me off to pick up some goodies from 85 Degrees Celsius Bakery.
Then we proceeded to finish Harry Potter #3, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
Then, Harry Potter #4, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
He then went off to play some video games while I organized my photos and watched Will & Grace.
After a few hours, he asked if I wanted to watch Game of Thrones or more HP. I was surprised when he was okay with Harry Potter #5, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. He’s a trooper.
I wonder if we’ll be getting to anymore tonight or he’ll call it quits until another day.
I’m enjoying this because we rarely watch movies together!

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